
Dissolution Agreement

Dissolution Agreement: What It Is and Why It Is Important

A dissolution agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the dissolution of a business entity. It is an agreement between the owners of the entity, typically the shareholders or members, that sets out how the business will be wound down and its assets and liabilities distributed.

Why is a dissolution agreement important?

Dissolving a business can be a difficult and emotional process, and a dissolution agreement can help to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. By setting out the terms of the dissolution in writing, all parties involved can be clear on what is expected of them and what they can expect in return.

A dissolution agreement can also help to protect the owners of the business from future liabilities. By stating how the assets and liabilities of the business will be distributed, the owners can avoid any future disputes or claims against them.

What should be included in a dissolution agreement?

The specific terms of a dissolution agreement will depend on the nature and structure of the business, but there are some key elements that should be included:

– The effective date of the dissolution

– The reason for the dissolution (e.g. bankruptcy, retirement, voluntary dissolution)

– The process for selling or disposing of the assets of the business

– The process for paying off any outstanding debts or liabilities

– The method for distributing any remaining assets among the owners of the business

– Any provisions for the continued operation of the business for a limited period of time after the dissolution

It is important to note that a dissolution agreement must be signed by all owners of the business in order to be valid.


Dissolving a business can be a difficult and emotional process, but a dissolution agreement can help to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. By setting out the terms of the dissolution in writing, all parties involved can be clear on what is expected of them and what they can expect in return. If you are considering dissolving your business, it is important to consult with an experienced attorney to ensure that your dissolution agreement is properly drafted and executed.