
Plf Meaning Legal

PLF is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It does not charge fees for legal services, but is funded by donations from individuals (53%), foundations (17%) and associations, small businesses and corporations (17%). Aside from legal fees awarded by the courts for court victories, the organization does not receive any money from the government. [4] [5] [6] Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) is a libertarian public interest law firm in the United States. [2] The PLF was founded to defend and promote individual and economic freedom before the courts. [2] [3] To this end, PLF lawyers provide pro bono legal representation to their clients, file amicus curiae briefs, and participate in administrative proceedings to support property rights, equality before the law, freedom of expression and association, economic freedom, and separation of powers. You have represented clients in 14 U.S. Supreme Court cases, listed below. The county kept all of the auction`s profits of more than $24,000. [24] PLF appeared in Michigan Supreme Court to challenge a state law designed to prevent rot but allowing counties to retain all proceeds from real estate auctions, even if the amount raised at the auction is greater than the amount owed in tax arrears. [24] The court ruled in favor of Rafaeli and found that the practice was illegal under the Michigan Constitution. [24] [25] The practice, which PLF calls “home equity theft,” is also legal in other states such as Arizona, Massachusetts, and Montana.

PLF plans to work to remove these laws through the judicial system or encourage legislative changes. [26] [27] Charity Navigator gave PLF a four-star rating (out of four) for financial transparency and accountability. [81] In 2018, PLF began teaching a seminar and internship at UC Berkeley Law School on Strategic Constitutional Disputes. The seminar, moderated by John M. Groen, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of PLF, will focus on property rights and economic freedom. As part of a field internship, students join a PLF litigation team to work on ongoing legal proceedings. [66] In 2018, PLF sued New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, challenging his proposed changes to New York`s specialized high school admissions guidelines. De Blasio proposed expanding the Discovery program, which admits students just below the threshold for the admission test, from 6 percent to 20 percent of all students accepted, a move he said would increase black and Hispanic diversity at those schools. PLF represents Asian American parents and advocacy groups who say the mayor`s plans discriminate against Asian American students and amount to unconstitutional racial equality.

[45] [46] PLF heard 18 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. His 14 wins are: This definition comes up quite frequently and can be found in the following acronym search categories: In 2008, PLF won Merrifield v. Lockyer, a challenge to the pest control license in California. PLF also questioned a loving school`s admissions policy to Coalition for TJ v. Fairfax County School Board. In the California Supreme Court, PLF Chief Counsel Sharon L. Browne scored two important victories that upheld the constitutionality of Proposition 209.

[80] The organization was founded in 1973, making it the first and oldest libertarian law firm in the public interest. [7] [8] Coordinates: 38°35′00″N 121°29′33″W / 38.5834°N 121.4924°W / 38.5834; -121.4924 PLF represented Andy Johnson in a dispute with the Environmental Protection Agency. Johnson built a pond on his property in Wyoming to supply his cattle with water.